Ashtanga Yoga, also known as the “Eight Limbs of Yoga,” is a system outlined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It provides a structured path toward spiritual enlightenment and self-discipline. The eight limbs are:
1. Yama (Ethical Restraints) – Moral guidelines for how to interact with the world:
• Ahimsa(non-violence)
• Satya (truthfulness)
• Asteya (non-stealing)
• Brahmacharya (moderation)
• Aparigraha (non-possessiveness)
2. Niyama (Self-Discipline) – Personal observances for self-purification:
• Shaucha (cleanliness)
• Santosha (contentment)
• Tapas (self-discipline)
• Svadhyaya (self-study)
• Ishvarapranidhana (surrender to a higher power)
3. Asana (Physical Postures) – The practice of yoga poses to strengthen and purify the body.
4. Pranayama (Breath Control) – Techniques for regulating breath to enhance energy and focus.
5. Pratyahara (Withdrawal of Senses) – Turning inward by detaching from external distractions.
6. Dharana (Concentration) – Training the mind to focus on a single point.
7. Dhyana (Meditation) – Sustained awareness and mindfulness.
8. Samadhi (Liberation or Enlightenment) – A state of deep absorption and unity with the self.
These eight steps are meant to be practiced together, leading to physical, mental, and spiritual growth.