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The Bhakti Sastri Course

Bhakti-Sastri is an essential course in Krishna consciousness that consists of in-depth study on four books accessed online (below). Discussions on these books are direct-linked here:
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Bhava dasa (ACBSP)
Site Admin
Posts: 40
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2025 5:05 pm

The Bhakti Sastri Course

#1 Post by Bhava dasa (ACBSP) »

Dear Prabhus,

The “Bhakti Shastri” course will delve into the core texts and teachings fundamental to our spiritual growth. It aims to provide a thorough understanding of scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita, the Nectar of Devotion, the Nectar of Instruction, and the Sri Isopanisad.

These sessions will be interactive, providing opportunities for deep discussion and personal reflection. Our goal is to foster a supportive environment where everyone can share their insights and progress on their spiritual journey. Let us come together to enhance our devotion and knowledge.

Anyone interested in attending these classes, please contact me to discuss a suitable time and venue.

Yours in service,
Bhava dasa (ACBSP)
Bhakti Forums Admin.
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