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SB. Canto 3, Chapters 1-33, Study Guide

These outlines may be downloaded and printed for the study of Srimad-Bhagavatam. They assist in the preparation of lectures and outreach efforts at universities and similar venues.
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Bhava dasa (ACBSP)
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SB. Canto 3, Chapters 1-33, Study Guide

#1 Post by Bhava dasa (ACBSP) »


By Śrīla Vyāsadeva, compiler of the Vedānta-sūtra

Dedicated to the teachings of:
His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

A Dialogue Outline Study Guide
Download: Canto 3 Dialogue Outline for MS Word from Dropbox

To be used in conjunction with Srila Prabhupada’s translations and purports.
Use for classes, personal and group studies, and for taking the “Bhakti Vaibhāva” course, etc.

Using these dialogue outlines…
1. Write a short chapter summary under each chapter title.
2. Write a short dialogue summary under each dialogue grouping.
3. Write text-numbered notes (that you select) below dialogue groupings.
4. Use (superscript) footnotes to include quotes from purports at bottom of the page.
5. Use (subscript) endnotes to include additional notes in “Supplementals” at end of the canto.

Canto 3: “The Status Quo”

so 'haṁ nṛṇāṁ kṣulla-sukhāya duḥkhaṁ
mahad gatānāṁ viramāya tasya
pravartaye bhāgavataṁ purāṇaṁ
yad āha sākṣād bhagavān ṛṣibhyaḥ

Maitreya Ṛṣi: “Let me now begin speaking on the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, which was directly spoken to the great sages by the Personality of Godhead for the benefit of those who are entangled in extreme miseries for the sake of very little pleasure.” [SB 3.8.2] [Bhakti Vaibhāva Exam]

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “If one comes in contact with the book Bhāgavatam as well as with the devotee bhāgavata, who knows what the Bhāgavatam is, then such a fortunate man gets out of the material entanglement. Therefore Śrī Maitreya Muni, out of compassion for the suffering men in the world, proposes to speak on the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam first and last.” [SB 3.8.2/Purport]

At the conclusion of the previous canto (SB.2.10.51), Śrī Sūta Gosvāmī replied to Śaunaka Ṛṣi’s inquiry (SB.2.10.49-50) regarding the dialogue between Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī and Mahārāja Parīkṣit, including why Vidura gave up his family connections, as well as, what Vidura’s activities were while traveling on pilgrimage, etc.

Chapters: 1-33.
(This dialogue outline follows a nonlinear chronological format)

NOTE: After each dialogue there is a colon (:). After the colon, write a brief summary of that specific dialogue. If you would like others to discuss or make comments on it, please post it in this forum.

3.1. “Questions by Vidura”
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (1-2):
Parīkṣit—Śukadeva (3-4):
Sūta—Śaunaka (5):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (6-10):
Vidura—Dhṛtarāṣṭra (11-13):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (14):
Duryodhana—Dhṛtarāṣṭra (15):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (16-25):
Vidura—Uddhava (26-45. End):

3.2. “Remembrance of Lord Kṛṣṇa”
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (1-6):
Uddhava—Vidura (7-34. End): [/b]

3.3. “The Lord's Pastimes Out of Vṛndāvana”
Uddhava—Vidura (1-28. End):

3.4. “Vidura Approaches Maitreya”
Uddhava—Vidura (1-10):
Kṛṣṇa—Uddhava (11-13):
Uddhava—Vidura (14):
Uddhava—Kṛṣṇa (15-18):
Uddhava—Vidura (19-22):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (23-24):
Vidura—Uddhava (25):
Uddhava—Vidura (26):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (27):
Parīkṣit—Śukadeva (28):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (29):
Kṛṣṇa (thinking to Himself) (30-31):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (32-36. End):

3.5. “Vidura's Talks with Maitreya”
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (1):
Vidura—Maitreya (2-16):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (17):
Maitreya—Vidura (18-38):
The Demigods—Lord Viṣṇu (39-51. End):

3.6. “Creation of the Universal Form”
Vidura (1-10):
Maitreya (cont.)—Vidura (11-40. End):

3.7. “Further Inquiries by Vidura”
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (1):
Vidura—Maitreya (2-7):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (8):
Maitreya—Vidura (9-14):
Vidura—Maitreya (15-41):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (42):

3.8. “Manifestation of Brahmā from Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu”
Maitreya—Vidura (1-38. End):

3.9. “Brahmā's Prayers for Creative Energy”
Brahmā—Godhead (1-25):
Maitreya—Vidura (26-28):
Godhead—Brahmā (29-43):
—Vidura (44. End):

3.10. “Divisions of the Creation”
Vidura—Maitreya (1-2):
Sūta—Śaunaka (3):
Maitreya—Vidura (4-9):
Vidura—Maitreya (10):
Maitreya—Vidura (11-30. End):

3.11. “Calculation of Time, from the Atom”
Maitreya—Vidura (1-15):
Vidura—Maitreya (16-17):
Maitreya—Vidura (18-42. End):

3.12. “Creation of the Kumāras and Others”
Maitreya—Vidura (1-9):
Brahmā—Rudra (10-11):
Brahmā (cont.)—Rudra (12-14):
Maitreya—Vidura (15-16):
Brahmā—Rudra (17-19):
Maitreya—Vidura (20-29):
Brahmā’s Sons—Brahmā (30-32):
Maitreya—Vidura (33-35):
Vidura—Maitreya (36):
Maitreya—Vidura (37-57. End):

3.13. “The Appearance of Lord Varāha”
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (1):
Vidura—Maitreya (2-4):
Śukadeva—Parīkṣit (5):
Maitreya—Vidura (6):
Manu (and his wife)—Brahmā (7-8):
Brahmā—(Manu and his wife) (9-13):
Manu—Brahmā (14-15):
Maitreya—Vidura (16-20):
Brahmā (Marīci, the Kumāras, and Manu) (21-22):
Maitreya—Vidura (23-33):
The sages—Lord Varāha (34-45):
Maitreya—Vidura (46-50. End):

3.14. “Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening”
Śukadeva [3.13.5]—Pariksit (1):
Vidura—Maitreya (2-4):
Maitreya—Vidura (5-9):
Diti—Kaśyapa (10-15):
Maitreya—Vidura (16):
Kaśyapa—Diti (17-29):
Maitreya—Vidura (30-33):
Diti—Kaśyapa (34-36):
Maitreya—Vidura (37):
Kaśyapa—Diti (38-41):
Diti—Kaśyapa (42-43):
Kaśyapa—Diti (44-50):
Maitreya—Vidura (51. End):

3.15. “Description of the Kingdom of God”
Maitreya—Vidura (1-2):
Demigods—Brahmā (3-8):
Demigods (cont.)—Brahmā (9-10):
Maitreya—Vidura (11):
Brahmā—Demigods (12-23):
Brahmā—Demigods (24-31):
Four Kumāras (the Sages) (32-34):
Brahmā—Demigods (35):
The Doormen—Four Kumāras (36):
Brahmā—Demigods (37-45):
Four Kumāras—Godhead (46-50. End):

3.16. “The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuṇṭha, Jaya and Vijaya, Cursed by the Sages”
Brahmā—Demigods (1):
The Lord (Godhead)—Four Kumāras (2-6):
The Lord (cont.)—Four Kumāras (7-12):
Brahmā—Demigods (13-15):
Four Kumāras—The Lord (16-25):
The Lord—The Kumāras (26):
Brahmā—Demigods (27-28):
The Lord—Jaya and Vijaya (29-30):
Brahmā—Demigods (31-34):
Brahmā (cont.)—Demigods (35-37. End):

3.17. “Victory of Hiraṇyākṣa Over All the Directions of the Universe”
Maitreya—Vidura (1-27):
Hiraṇyākṣa—Varuṇa (27-28):
Maitreya—Vidura (29):
Varuṇa—Hiraṇyākṣa (29-31. End):

3.18. “The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiraṇyākṣa”
Maitreya—Vidura (1-2):
Hiraṇyākṣa—Varāha (3-4):
Hiraṇyākṣa (cont.)—Varāha (5):
Maitreya—Vidura (6-7):
Hiraṇyākṣa—Varāha (7):
Maitreya—Vidura (8-9):
Varāha—Hiraṇyākṣa (10-12):
Maitreya—Vidura (13-21):
Brahmā—Nārāyaṇa (22-23):
Brahmā (cont.)—Nārāyaṇa (24-28. End):

3.19. “The Killing of the Demon Hiraṇyākṣa”
Maitreya—Vidura (1-9):
Varāha—Hiraṇyākṣa (10):
Maitreya—Vidura (11-27):
Brahmā—Demigods (28-29):
Demigods—Varāha (30):
Maitreya—Vidura (31):
Maitreya (cont.)—Vidura (32):
Sūta—Śaunaka (33-38. End):

3.20. “Conversation Between Maitreya and Vidura”
Śaunaka—Sūta (1):
Śaunaka (cont.)—Sūta (2-6):
Srila Vyasadeva (7):
Sūta—Śaunaka (8):
Vidura—Maitreya (9):
Vidura (cont.)—Maitreya (10-11):
Maitreya—Vidura (12-25):
Brahmā—The Lord (26-27):
Maitreya—Vidura (28-31):
The demons—The girl (32):
Maitreya—Vidura (33):
The demons—The girl (34-36):
Maitreya—Vidura (37-50):
The Demigods, etc.—Brahmā (51):
Maitreya—Vidura (52-53. End):

3.21. “Conversation Between Manu and Kardama”
Vidura—Maitreya (1-5):
Maitreya—Vidura (6-12):
Kardama—Lord Viṣṇu (13-21):
Maitreya—Vidura (22):
Lord Viṣṇu—Kardama (23-32):
Maitreya—Vidura (33-49):
Kardama—Svāyambhuva [Manu] (50-56. End):

3.22. “The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahūti”
Maitreya—Vidura (1):
Svāyambhuva—Kardama (2-14):
Kardama—Svāyambhuva (15-20):
Maitreya—Vidura (21-39. End):

3.23. “Devahūti's Lamentation”
Maitreya—Vidura (1-5):
Kardama—Devahūti (6):
Kardama (cont.)—Devahūti (7):
Kardama (cont.)—Devahūti (8):
Maitreya—Vidura (9):
Devahūti—Kardama (10):
Devahūti (cont.)—Kardama (11):
Maitreya—Vidura (12-22):
Kardama—Devahūti (23):
Maitreya—Vidura (24-50):
Devahūti—Kardama (51-57. End):

3.24. “The Renunciation of Kardama Muni”
Maitreya—Vidura (1):
Kardama—Devahūti (2-4):
Maitreya—Vidura (5-9):
Maitreya—Vidura (10-11):
Brahmā—Kardama and Devahūti (12-17):
Brahmā—Devahūti (18-19):
Maitreya—Vidura (20-26):
Kardama—Viṣṇu (27-29):
Kardama (cont.)—Viṣṇu (30-34):
Lord Kapila—Kardama (35-40):
Maitreya—Vidura (41-47. End):

3.25. “The Glories of Devotional Service”
Śaunaka—Sūta (1):
Śaunaka (cont.)—Sūta (2-3):
Sūta—Śaunaka (4):
Maitreya—Vidura (5-6):
Devahūti—Kapila (7-10):
Devahūti (cont.)—Kapila (11):
Maitreya—Vidura (12)
Kapila—Devahūti (13-27):
Devahūti—Kapila (28-30):
Maitreya—Vidura (31):
Kapila—Devahūti (32-37):
Kapila (cont.)—Devahūti (38-44. End):

3.26. “Fundamental Principles of Material Nature”
Kapila (cont.)—Devahūti (1-8):
Devahūti—Kapila (9):
Kapila—Devahūti (10-72. End):

3.27. “Understanding Material Nature”
Kapila (cont.)—Devahūti (1-16):
Devahūti—Kapila (17-20):
Kapila—Devahūti (21-30. End):

3.28. “Kapila's Instructions on the Execution of Devotional Service”
Kapila—Devahūti (1-44. End):

3.29. “Explanation of Devotional Service by Lord Kapila”
Devahūti—Kapila (1-2):
Devahūti—Kapila (3-5):
Maitreya—Vidura (6):
Kapila—Devahūti (7-45. End):

3.30. “Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse Fruitive Activities”
Kapila—Devahūti (1-34. End):

3.31. “Lord Kapila's Instructions on the Movements of the Living Entities”
Kapila—Devahūti (1-11):
The human soul says (12-14):
The human soul prays (cont.) (15-21):
Kapila—Devahūti (22-48. End):

3.32. “Entanglement in Fruitive Activities”
Kapila—Devahūti (1-38):
Kapila (cont.)—Devahūti (39-43. End):

3.33. “Activities of Kapila”
Maitreya—Vidura (1):
Devahūti—Kapila (2-8):
Maitreya—Vidura (9):
Kapila—Devahūti (10-11):
Maitreya—Vidura (12-37. END):

End of Canto 3: “The Status Quo”
Bhava dasa (ACBSP)
Bhakti Forums Admin.
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