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Accreditation Certificate

The course exam covers six modules: Bhagavad Gita, Nectar of Devotion, Sri Isopanisad, and Nectar of Instruction. Students will be assessed through closed-book tests, open-book assignments, śloka memorization recall, and attendance. Successful completion of the course requirements awards the student a Bhakti Sastri Accreditation Certificate.
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Bhava dasa (ACBSP)
Site Admin
Posts: 40
Joined: Thu Feb 13, 2025 5:05 pm

Accreditation Certificate

#1 Post by Bhava dasa (ACBSP) »

A student who is not registered, though allowed to discuss the course materials in these forums, will not be given the final exam nor be awarded the accreditation certificate. If you wish to receive the certificate and recognition of successfully completing the course (allowing you to take the next tier accreditation), please PM (contact) me, Bhavadasa, in advance of your intentions.
Bhava dasa (ACBSP)
Bhakti Forums Admin.
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